আসুন জানিঃ Tense কি? কেন দরকার? কত প্রকার? এর প্রকারভেদগুলোর উদাহরণ এবং ব্যবহার

প্রথমেই জানি, Tense কি?
Tense হলো ক্রিয়াপদের এমন একটি বৈশিষ্ট্য যা কোনো কাজের সময় বা কাল নির্দেশ করে। বাংলায়, এটিকে মূলত বলতে বোঝায় ক্রিয়ার সময়কাল। ইংরেজিতে Tense এর মাধ্যমে বোঝা যায় যে কোনো কাজ কখন সম্পন্ন হয়েছে, হচ্ছে, বা হবে।

এবার জানি, এটি কেন দরকার?
ক্রিয়ার কাল বা Tense এর প্রয়োজনীয়তা অনেক। এটি আমাদেরকে সময়ের প্রেক্ষিতে কোনো ক্রিয়ার অবস্থান নির্দেশ করতে সহায়তা করে। ইংরেজি ভাষায় সঠিকভাবে কথা বলতে বা লিখতে হলে Tense এর সঠিক ব্যবহার অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। TalentHut-এর মতো ESL/EFL শিক্ষাকেন্দ্রগুলিতে Tense শেখানো হয় যাতে শিক্ষার্থীরা IELTS এবং অন্যান্য ভাষাগত পরীক্ষায় ভালো করতে পারে।

Tense কত প্রকার?

Tense সাধারণত তিন প্রকার:
1. Present Tense (বর্তমান কাল)
2. Past Tense (অতীত কাল)
3. Future Tense (ভবিষ্যৎ কাল)

প্রতিটি প্রকার এর আবার চারটি প্রকারভেদ রয়েছে, যা হলো:
1. Simple (সাধারণ)
2. Continuous (অবিরাম)
3. Perfect (সম্পূর্ণ)
4. Perfect Continuous (সম্পূর্ণ অবিরাম)

Tense এর প্রকারভেদগুলোর উদাহরণ এবং ব্যবহার

1. Present Tense (বর্তমান কাল)

– Simple Present:
Example: “He studies at TalentHut.”
(সে TalentHut-এ পড়ে।)
ব্যবহার: এটি সাধারণত নিয়মিত কাজ বা সাধারণ সত্য বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

– Present Continuous:
Example: “He is studying for his IELTS exam.”
(সে তার IELTS পরীক্ষার জন্য পড়াশোনা করছে।)
ব্যবহার: বর্তমানে চলমান কাজ বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

– Present Perfect:
Example: “He has completed his ESL course at TalentHut.”
(সে TalentHut-এ তার ESL কোর্স সম্পন্ন করেছে।)
ব্যবহার: সম্প্রতি সম্পন্ন হওয়া কাজ বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

– Present Perfect Continuous:
Example: “He has been studying at TalentHut for two years.”
(সে দুই বছর ধরে TalentHut-এ পড়ছে।)
ব্যবহার: অতীতে শুরু হয়ে এখনও চলমান কাজ বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

2. Past Tense (অতীত কাল)

– Simple Past:
Example: “He studied at TalentHut last year.”
(সে গত বছর TalentHut-এ পড়েছিল।)
ব্যবহার: কোনো কাজ অতীতে সম্পন্ন হয়েছে বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

– Past Continuous:
Example: “He was studying when I called him.”
(যখন আমি তাকে ফোন করি, সে পড়ছিল।)
ব্যবহার: অতীতে নির্দিষ্ট সময়ে চলমান কাজ বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

– Past Perfect:
Example: “He had completed his ESL course before he joined the job.”
(সে চাকরিতে যোগ দেওয়ার আগে তার ESL কোর্স সম্পন্ন করেছিল।)
ব্যবহার: কোনো কাজ অতীতের অন্য একটি কাজের আগে সম্পন্ন হয়েছে বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

– Past Perfect Continuous:
Example: “He had been studying for two hours before the power went out.”
(বিদ্যুৎ চলে যাওয়ার আগে সে দুই ঘণ্টা ধরে পড়াশোনা করছিল।)
ব্যবহার: অতীতে শুরু হয়ে অন্য একটি কাজের আগে চলছিল এমন ক্রিয়া বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

3. Future Tense (ভবিষ্যৎ কাল)

– Simple Future:
Example: “He will study at TalentHut next year.”
(সে আগামী বছর TalentHut-এ পড়বে।)
ব্যবহার: ভবিষ্যতে কোনো কাজ হবে বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

– Future Continuous:
Example: “He will be studying at TalentHut tomorrow.”
(সে আগামীকাল এই সময় TalentHut-এ পড়াশোনা করবে।)
ব্যবহার: ভবিষ্যতের নির্দিষ্ট সময়ে চলমান কাজ বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

– Future Perfect:
Example: “He will have completed his ESL course by the end of this year.”
(সে এই বছরের শেষের দিকে তার ESL কোর্স সম্পন্ন করবে।)
ব্যবহার: ভবিষ্যতের নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের আগে কোনো কাজ সম্পন্ন হবে বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

– Future Perfect Continuous:
Example: “He will have been studying for three years at TalentHut by the end of 2025.”
(সে ২০২৫ সালের শেষের দিকে তিন বছর ধরে TalentHut-এ পড়াশোনা করবে।)
ব্যবহার: ভবিষ্যতের নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের আগে দীর্ঘ সময় ধরে চলমান কোনো কাজ বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

এখন নিচের কিছু exercise করুন যা আপনাকে tense -এ আরও দক্ষ করবেঃ

Exercise Set-1:

1. Simple Present Tense (10 Exercises)

1. She _______ (eat) an apple every morning.
2. The sun _______ (rise) in the east.
3. We _______ (go) to school every day.
4. They _______ (play) football in the evening.
5. He _______ (speak) English fluently.
6. Water _______ (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
7. The baby _______ (cry) loudly.
8. Birds _______ (fly) in the sky.
9. She _______ (teach) English to the students.
10. Dogs _______ (bark) at strangers.

2. Present Continuous Tense (10 Exercises)

1. She _______ (read) a book now.
2. The children _______ (play) outside.
3. He _______ (watch) TV at the moment.
4. I _______ (write) a letter right now.
5. They _______ (study) for their exams.
6. We _______ (eat) dinner at the moment.
7. She _______ (dance) at the party।
8. It _______ (rain) heavily.
9. The teacher _______ (explain) the lesson now.
10. The boys _______ (play) cricket in the park.

3. Simple Past Tense (10 Exercises)

1. She _______ (visit) her grandmother last weekend.
2. They _______ (go) to the zoo yesterday.
3. He _______ (complete) his homework before dinner.
4. We _______ (watch) a movie last night.
5. I _______ (buy) a new book yesterday.
6. The teacher _______ (explain) the topic yesterday.
7. The cat _______ (sleep) on the couch.
8. She _______ (paint) a beautiful picture.
9. He _______ (drive) to the beach last summer.
10. They _______ (have) a picnic last Sunday.

4. Past Continuous Tense (10 Exercises)

1. I _______ (read) a book when he called.
2. They _______ (watch) TV when I arrive.
3. She _______ (cook) dinner when I visited her.
4. He _______ (sleep) when the phone rang.
5. We _______ (drive) to the store when it started to rain.
6. They _______ (discuss) the project when the manager entered.
7. I _______ (write) a letter when the power went out.
8. She _______ (study) when I knocked on the door.
9. The kids _______ (play) outside when it started to rain.
10. He _______ (fix) his bike when I saw him.

5. Simple Future Tense (10 Exercises)

1. She _______ (visit) her grandparents tomorrow.
2. They _______ (go) to the market next week.
3. He _______ (finish) his project by Friday.
4. We _______ (watch) the game tonight.
5. I _______ (start) a new job next month.
6. She _______ (call) you later.
7. They _______ (have) a party next weekend.
8. He _______ (buy) a new car soon.
9. I _______ (attend) the meeting tomorrow.
10. We _______ (travel) to London next summer.

6. Future Continuous Tense (10 Exercises)

1. She _______ (be) studying at 8 PM tonight.
2. They _______ (be) playing football at 5 PM tomorrow.
3. He _______ (be) working on his assignment all night.
4. We _______ (be) travelling to Paris next week.
5. I _______ (be) reading a book when you arrive.
6. She _______ (be) cooking dinner at 7 PM.
7. They _______ (be) attending the conference all day.
8. He _______ (be) waiting for you at the station.
9. I _______ (be) practising the piano when you come.
10. We _______ (be) watching the movie at this time tomorrow.

7. Present Perfect Tense (10 Exercises)

1. She _______ (visit) France twice.
2. They _______ (complete) their homework.
3. He _______ (write) three books.
4. We _______ (live) here for ten years.
5. I _______ (finish) my work already
6. She _______ (lose) her keys.
7. They _______ (see) that movie before.
8. He _______ (meet) the president.
9. I _______ (eat) breakfast already.
10. We _______ (buy) a new car.

8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (10 Exercises)

1. She _______ (be) reading that book for two hours.
2. They _______ (be) playing since morning.
3. He _______ (be) working on the project for a week.
4. We _______ (be) waiting for the bus for an hour.
5. I _______ (be) learning French for six months.
6. She _______ (be) cooking since 10 AM.
7. They _______ (be) living here for years.
8. He _______ (be) exercising since 5 PM.
9. I _______ (be) thinking about that all day.
10. We _______ (be) discussing this issue for an hour.

9. Past Perfect Tense (10 Exercises)

1. She _______ (finish) her homework before dinner.
2. They _______ (leave) by the time I arrived.
3. He _______ (write) the report before the meeting.
4. We _______ (finish) our meal before they come.
5. I _______ (read) the book before I watched the movie.
6. She _______ (clean) the house before the guests arrived.
7. They _______ (complete) the task before the deadline.
8. He _______ (lose) his keys before he found them.
9. I _______ (finish) my homework before the teacher checked it.
10. We _______ (watch) the movie before it was taken down.

10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (10 Exercises).

1. She _______ (be) studying for three hours when I called.
2. They _______ (be) playing for two hours when it started to rain.
3. He _______ (be) working for five hours when the power went out.
4. We _______ (be) waiting for the bus for an hour when it finally arrived.
5. I _______ (be) living there for two years when I moved out.
6. She _______ (be) cooking for an hour when the guests arrived.
7. They _______ (be) discussing the plan for a week when they finalized it.
8. He _______ (be) reading the book for a month when he finished it.
9. I _______ (be) practising the piano for hours when I mastered the piece.
10. We _______ (be) travelling for six hours when we reach the destination.

Exercise Set-2:

Exercise 1: The Life of a Scientist

Dr. Jane Foster, a renowned scientist, (1) _______ (be) passionate about biology since her childhood. She (2) _______ (spend) countless hours observing plants and animals when she was young. After completing her studies, she (3) _______ (start) working on various research projects. By the time she was 30, she (4) _______ (publish) several papers in prestigious journals.

Currently, she (5) _______ (work) on a groundbreaking project that (6) _______ (involve) the study of endangered species. She (7) _______ (collaborate) with scientists from different countries for the past three years. Next year, she (8) _______ (plan) to visit remote areas to gather more data. By the end of next year, she (9) _______ (complete) this project and (10) _______ (present) her findings at an international conference.


Exercise 2: The Journey of a Marathon Runner

Mark Thompson (1) _______ (dream) of becoming a marathon runner since he was a teenager. He (2) _______ (start) training rigorously five years ago. At that time, he (3) _______ (not/know) much about professional training, so he (4) _______ (make) several mistakes.

However, over the years, he (5) _______ (learn) from his mistakes and (6) _______ (develop) a solid training plan. Last year, he (7) _______ (run) his first marathon, which (8) _______ (be) a challenging yet rewarding experience. He (9) _______ (train) even harder since then, and now, he (10) _______ (prepare) for his next marathon, which (11) _______ (take place) in a few months.


Exercise 3: A Day in the Life of a Teacher

Mrs. Brown (1) _______ (teach) English at a high school for the last 15 years. Every morning, she (2) _______ (wake up) early and (3) _______ (prepare) for her classes. Today, she (4) _______ (plan) to give a special lecture on Shakespeare. She (5) _______ (already/prepare) her notes and (6) _______ (be) excited to engage her students in the discussion.

During her lunch break, she (7) _______ (meet) with a few students who (8) _______ (struggle) with their assignments. She (9) _______ (help) them understand the material better. After school, she (10) _______ (attend) a meeting with other teachers to discuss the upcoming exams. By the time she (11) _______ (get) home, she (12) _______ (be) exhausted, but she (13) _______ (feel) satisfied with her day’s work.

Answers Key:

Answer Exercise Set-1:

1. Simple Present Tense
1. eats
2. rises
3. go
4. play
5. speaks
6. boils
7. cries
8. fly
9. teaches
10. bark

2. Present Continuous Tense

1. is reading
2. are playing
3. is watching
4. am writing
5. are studying
6. are eating
7. is dancing
8. is raining
9. is explaining
10. are playing

3. Simple Past Tense

1. visited
2. went
3. completed
4. watched
5. bought
6. explained
7. slept
8. painted
9. drove
10. had

4. Past Continuous Tense

1. was reading
2. were watching
3. was cooking
4. was sleeping
5. were driving
6. were discussing
7. was writing
8. was studying
9. were playing
10. was fixing

5. Simple Future Tense

1. will visit
2. will go
3. will finish
4. will watch
5. will start
6. will call
7. will have
8. will buy
9. will attend
10. will travel

6. Future Continuous Tense

1. will be studying
2. will be playing
3. will be working
4. will be travelling
5. will be reading
6. will be cooking
7. will be attending
8. will be waiting
9. will be practicing
10. will be watching

7. Present Perfect Tense

1. has visited
2. have completed
3. has written
4. have lived
5. have finished
6. has lost
7. have seen
8. has met
9. have eaten
10. have bought

8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

1. has been reading
2. have been playing
3. has been working
4. have been waiting
5. have been learning
6. has been cooking
7. have been living
8. has been exercising
9. have been thinking
10. have been discussing

9. Past Perfect Tense

1. had finished
2. had left
3. had written
4. had finished
5. had read
6. had cleaned
7. had completed
8. had lost
9. had finished
10. had watched

10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

1. had been studying
2. had been playing
3. had been working
4. had been waiting
5. had been living
6. had been cooking
7. had been discussing
8. had been reading
9. had been practising
10. had been travelling

Answers to Exercise set-2:
Exercise 1: The Life of a Scientist

1. has been
2. spent
3. started
4. had published
5. is working
6. involves
7. has been collaborating
8. plans
9. will have completed
10. will present

Exercise 2: The Journey of a Marathon Runner

1. had dreamed
2. started
3. did not know
4. made
5. has learned
6. developed
7. ran
8. was
9. has been training
10. is preparing
11. will take place

Exercise 3: A Day in the Life of a Teacher

1. has been teaching
2. wakes up
3. prepares
4. is planning
5. has already prepared
6. is
7. meets
8. are struggling
9. helps
10. attends
11. gets
12. is
13. feels


Tense ভাষার একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংশ, যা আমাদেরকে সময়ের বিভিন্ন প্রেক্ষিতে ক্রিয়াগুলি সঠিকভাবে প্রকাশ করতে সহায়তা করে। TalentHut এবং অন্যান্য ESL/EFL শিক্ষাকেন্দ্রগুলিতে এর সঠিক ব্যবহার শেখানোর মাধ্যমে শিক্ষার্থীদের IELTS এবং অন্যান্য ভাষাগত পরীক্ষায় সফলতা অর্জনে সহায়ক ভূমিকা পালন করে।


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